OUR SOLUTION: ‘We’re creating a community that aims to add value, help fast track careers, and build structures of solidarity for racialised individuals,’ Kim wrote in a blog post published in August 2022.
That’s when this notion of building professional communities for racialised people across Europe shifted from ‘vision’ to ‘reality’. That summer I conducted a needs assessment to understand what would create value for our target audience. Then after months of careful planning we tested our ideas with future members, refined the model, and officially launched the first community, SPARK DEI, on January 31, 2023.
In collaboration with future members, we chose 'SPARK' because it captures the energy and excitement of something new. It also recognises racialised people’s innate worth and ability to ignite change together. We’re in the driving seat, tapping into our collective social power and acumen to create great things for us all.
Today the SPARK family has 90+ members across 17 European countries. And following the successful launch of SPARK DEI for diversity, equity and inclusion professionals, I’m thrilled to share the recent launch of SPARK Teachers, with SPARK Academia coming soon too. There are plans for further expansion, so watch this space.