Constant learning: a SPARK interview

Dialogue with SPARK Teachers Co-Chair - Briana Fitzsimons

Publishing date
21 Oct 2024
Liane R
Communication Expert
SPARK Communities

Briana Fitzsimons was a teacher for 13 years, and now is an Anti-Racism advocate and award-winning author based in Ireland. She serves as Co-Chair of SPARK Teachers Community at Foundation ENAR.

What are your favourite things about your background?

My multi-ethnicity is my superpower. I grew up immersed in a mix of cultures and I’m also an immigrant now as well.

Through my experiences, I have honed my ability to speak about all of my different identities and the importance of learning from those around me. I really think my own background helped me to be open to the idea of constantly learning and understanding that we all have so much to give and contribute, we just need to listen to each other.

How did you end up at Foundation ENAR as SPARK Teachers Co-Chair?

I started out as a member of SPARK DEI and was introduced to Mette, a fellow teacher. When we met, we just knew that we had to create a SPARK network for teachers because there is such a need for this kind of community for racialised teachers in Europe. And the rest is history!

You’re an advisor for EU for a day. What change would you recommend here and now? Why?

I would recommend a full reform of every school curriculum in Europe. School curricula do not currently reflect the identities of students who are learning in our schools. They are dated and Euro-centric, often leaving out communities who have made impacts not just globally, but also in Europe. If we are to truly create equitable educational spaces for young people, this step is a necessity, along with education in anti-racism for all teachers and school staff.

What book did you enjoy lately and would want to see more people reading it?

I recently read "Girl, Woman, Other" by Bernardine Evaristo. It’s a beautiful exploration of race, culture, gender and sexuality, told in a way that really draws you in. It’s a must read for everyone especially because of the way Evaristo weaves seemingly unconnected people together through explorations of their identities.


Foundation ENAR is building and powering up three SPARK Communities, and growing:

SPARK DEI; SPARK Academia; SPARK Teachers

Foundation ENAR Team comic strip

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