
Support to racialised individuals to break glass and concrete ceilings

Racialised individuals often suffer from the historic, structural and systemic discriminations and disadvantages they face. That suffering is expressed in the form of lower academic achievement compared to majority groups in their country, lower rates of employment, and lower representation in higher-skilled roles and managerial functions. The cumulated effect impacts generation after generation and makes closing the gaps formed difficult. Breaking this cycle requires concerted effort and also a focus on individual lived experiences.

Breaking cycles, one talented individual at a time

It is both researched and documented that one of the best ways to break the cycles of disadvantage and poverty is through education. That is why ENAR Foundation looks to support high-potential individuals who can later on serve as inspirational role models for other racialised individuals to be their own agents of change.

Together with our donors, we offer scholarships on the basis of competitive calls for candidates and thereby open the doors to higher education attainment for racialised individuals.

Our current projects

Discover the activities we are undertaking to support racialised individuals.

PAD Scholarships

Support to racialised individuals to break glass and concrete ceilings

30 Nov 2023
Read more about PAD Scholarships