Empowerment and Resilience - 2023 grants awarded to ENAR Members!
Our key line of support to grassroots organisations

Within the Empowerment and Resilience Fund, another round of 17 grants has been disbursed to ENAR Members across Europe, amounting to more than 150K EUR. The largest of ENAR Foundation initiatives, the Fund is a lifeline for small and medium anti-racist organisations, supporting grassroots projects, as well as organisational development.
“The Empowerment and Resilience Fund remains a reliable and accessible funding source for anti-racism organisations often struggling to maintain operations in hostile political environments. The Fund not only helps them survive and implement meaningful activities. Its collaborative and flexible nature also builds the ENAR Members’ capacity to further fundraise from other sources. We hope to continue this support framework in the years to come” says ENAR Foundation’s Director, Kim Smouter.
Meet the 2023 grantees and their projects:
Dokustelle (Austria): Rooting Networks in Muslim Communities in Austria – building the grassroots volunteer network
Centre for Peace Studies (Croatia): „Building community through culture“ – supporting African-led initiatives
KISA (Cyprus): Re-structuring and development of the organisation
Generation for Change (Cyprus): Employability Hub for migrants and refugees
CEDA (Denmark): Support for the further development of organisational sustainability and resilience
Anti-Racist Forum (Finland): Strengthening Anti-Racist Capacities and Data Monitoring in Finland
Alliance Citoyenne (France): Empowering hijabi women union to face attacks and campaign for fair access to jobs
Lallab (France): Equality, Justice and Power for Muslim Women in the workforce
Coexister (France): A new format of prejudice deconstruction workshops in schools to support teachers
BUG (Germany): Advocating for a stronger legal anti-discrimination framework
Center for Migration Gender and Justice (Germany): “Gender Justice Beyond Borders” Youth Engagement Academy
Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality and Diversity (Greece): Legal empowerment to de-construct structural racism in particular against second generation migrants
Greek Forum of Migrants (Greece): “Against Racist Crime” Trainings for Migrant and Refugee Communities
Altera (Italy): Play, watch, learn, fight. Leveraging culture for equality
Nosotras (Italy): Second Re-generation – a training course for racialised young people
ENWAD (Spain): EMPOWER – to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance” focusing the anti-migrant and anti-minorities discrimination
Apna Haq (UK): NVC and the Islam: Bridging Polarization through Dialogue – Breaking the Stereotypes around Islam – Combating Islamophobia through nonviolent ways