Donate to the Empowerment Fund

Unite for Justice, Stand Against Hate

The 2024 European Parliamentary elections have revealed a troubling increase in far-right influence, threatening racialised and LGBTQI+ communities. Hundreds of courageous Anti-Racism organisations across Europe are fighting back but face administrative harassment, defunding, and physical threats. 

Our Empowerment and Resilience Fund has supported dozens of these groups, but the need is growing. Your donation will help Anti-Racism organisations provide essential social services, advocate for marginalised communities, and uphold human rights, democracy, and equity. Together, we can protect the future of Europe and its core values. We support those who act with courage and vision to shape a just and equitable Europe for all. 

anti racism protest

"The far-right doesn't care about Europe's most vulnerable communities. It even scapegoats them as it chips away at equality and human rights. Europe's principles and future are at stake and the cost is human lives. Bold and loud leadership is needed more than ever to protect and visibilise the most marginalised." 

We fund a wide range of projects and initiatives supporting grassroots civil society organisations combatting the effects of racism across Europe, conceiving solutions that will lay the foundation for a systemically inclusive society.

To be able to do what we do, we depend on generous donations from individuals and organisations to maintain our programmes and expand their impact.

In doing so, we're funding grassroots Anti-Racism organisations to achieve real systemic change.

end racism